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Jonas Maziero (former PhD student) awarded the CAPES Thesis Prize

Our former PhD student, Dr Jonas Maziero was awarded a couple of prizes: (1) the best thesis Grand Prize in Natural Sciences and Engineering awarded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Conrado Wessel Foundation (CWF); (2) the Best Physics Thesis Prize awarded by CAPES; (3) and his work also received honor mention in the José Leite Lopes Prize of the Brazilian Physical Society (SBF). Dr. Maziero’s thesis was recognized for its great quality and originality, including some pioneer theoretical results and experiments on quantum discord. The award ceremony in Brasilia was attended by the Ministers of Education and Science & Technology, the former UFABC Chancellor, besides other Federal Officials (photo on the right). Congratulations to Jonas, who will certainly develop a successful career.

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