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Roberto Serra
Research webpage
Mecânica Quantica I - 2024.1
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@PRL Quantum engine operating at maximum power
A new experimental proof-of-concept quantum Otto cycle, using nuclear spins, has reached an efficiency close to its thermodynamic limit...
Featured Posts
@ Nature Communications: Reversion of heat flow using quantum correlations
Video produced by FAPESP about our arrow of time paper (in Portuguese)
Tiago Batalhão awarded the CAPES Best Thesis Prize
@PRL Maxwell’s Demon Meets Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics
@PRL Irreversibility and the emergence of the arrow of time in quantum systems
New two-way quantum-key-distribution prototocol
The role of coherent interactions in quantum metrology
@PRL The first experimental verification of fluctuation relations in "Quantum Thermodynamics&qu
Jonas Maziero (former PhD student) awarded the CAPES Thesis Prize
An NMR experiment on the full quantum version of the complementarity principle
Recent Posts
@Nat. Comm. Physics: Assessing physical realism experimentally in a quantum-controlled device
@PRL Experimental Validation of Fully Quantum Fluctuation Theorems
@PRL Easy Access to Energy Fluctuations
@PRL Quantum engine operating at maximum power
@ Nature Communications: Reversion of heat flow using quantum correlations
Video produced by FAPESP about our arrow of time paper (in Portuguese)
Tiago Batalhão awarded the CAPES Best Thesis Prize
@PRL Maxwell’s Demon Meets Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics
@PRL Irreversibility and the emergence of the arrow of time in quantum systems
New two-way quantum-key-distribution prototocol
April 2022
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June 2016
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